Friday, December 19, 2014

Stop Motion Film

This is a stop motion of me getting ready to go out for the night, I get dressed, get makeup and hair down and then I'm headed out.

Monday, December 8, 2014

False Advertising: Photo Walk

Advertisements aren't always what they seem because the companies want the food to look awesome and make you want it while when you go buy the food it doesn't look as good in person as it does in the pictures they put out. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Surrealistic Theme

For my surreal photomontage I would like to do a self-portrait. I really liked a piece by Rene Magritte called A girl with Java curls. For me to have all the pictures I need I would have to take a picture holding the mirror and another picture of just the mirror and the last one of just my reflection in the mirror. To then make my picture look similar id need to use photo shop to cut out the mirror and place the picture with my refection in place of where the inside of the mirror was.

Surrealistic Artists Research

Rene Magritte was born in 1898 in Lessines, Belgium to a wealthy manufacturer father. Rene decided to study at the Academie des Beaux-Art after his mother committed suicide in 1912. He Married Georgette in 1922. He was the most celebrated Belgian artist in the twentieth century, he had achieved great popular acclaim for his idiosyncratic approach to surrealism.  He died in 1967.

Man Ray was born in 1890 in Philadelphia, PA. In 1980 he was offed a scholarship to study architecture, he turned it down to focus on a career as an artist. In 1915, Ray held his first solo art show at the Daniel Gallery which featured many paintings and drawings. In 1918 he had produced some incredible work, photographs of art that he had created himself. Due to his failed marriage, lack of money and the weak enthusiasm for Dada art in the States, Ray moved to France where he spent the next 18 years of his life.   



Artist’s Name: Rene Magritte

Title: Golconda

Date: 1953

Description: It’s a lot of men in black trench coats and hats in different angles raining down on a building.

Analysis: this piece isn’t very symmetrical because the building wouldn’t quite match up.

Interpretation: I find the meaning of this piece to be that men rule the world. It also reminds me of the song it’s a raining men.

Judgment: I think that this is a very good piece. Magritte did a very good job and the further the men get the more they look like rain.



Artist’s Name: Man Ray

Title: Woman with long hair

Date: 1929

Description: It’s a woman with long hair, it looks like she is bending back on something but she looks like kind of dead and it’s like a very dreary feel.  

Analysis: This piece is very symmetrical vertically, but it’s not at all horizontally.

Interpretation: I think the purpose of this picture is to show death.

Judgment: I think that this picture is very well done, I feel like he went for a more dreary look and he did exactly that.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Optical Art

This is my optical art, I did this by following the video. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Object Series

Annabella VNieto
This is a photo series from my visit to the hospital this weekend to experience the birth of my new niece and welcome her to the world. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

Artistic Inspirations

Leonid Afremov
Leonid Afremov has his own unique style. He doesn't use brushes to paint he uses a palette-knife.

Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night
Vincent van Gogh was a Post-Impressionist painter, his work is notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty, and bold color.
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali is a spanish artist and Surrealist icon. He is best known for his painting of melting clocks, The Persistence of Memory.

Sakura Chrno, Touch the Sun
Sakura Chrno is a hungarian artist, it took three days to make this Touch the Sun piece      

Salvador Dalí, The Persistence of Memory.

The Persistence of Memory was painted 1931 by Salvador Dalí, and is one of his most recognizable works.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

David Hockney Inspired Collage

This is a picture of my brother, I achieved this by taking pictures of his hat and face and stacking them in different ways on Photoshop to make it look like his face.
This is a picture of a house, I achieved this by taking lots of pictures of every part of it and stacking them in Photoshop to make it look like the original house.

Friday, October 3, 2014

I’d Rather Be

I'd rather be in the Winnie the Pooh movie with Winnie the Pooh and Christopher robin, I always liked Winnie the Pooh, so I added myself into a picture of him and Christopher robin walking.

Partner Portraiture

I took a picture of my bunny and took pictures of my two partners and myself, then I cut and pasted them shrunk them and placed them where I wanted them and added shadowing and played with the lighting to make us fit in the picture better.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reflection Picture

I achieved this picture by putting sunglasses on my dog and taking a picture of my reflection while she was laying down looking at me. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Photo Walk

I like this picture better than all the other pictures I took, because of how they have everything nice and decorated and it looks like they put effort into making it look good. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Before and After

This is a before and after of my hand. I changed the color of my hand and added a scare to make it resemble something like a hand of Frankenstein.   

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Portrait Series

This portrait series, shows the process of me doing a sock bun. First I brush out my hair then put it up in a ponytail, then I put the sock in and hang the hair over and hold it down with a hair tie, after that's done I twist the leftover hair and hold it in place with bobby pins, and you have a sock bun!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Photography Composition

Angle (Straight)

Kattleya V.Nieto 2014

Angle- Point of view of a camera
This picture expresses the straight angle because I’m eye level with my dog. This picture was achieved by sitting my dog in a baby swing and matching the camera to her eye level.

Focus (Sharp)

Jensen V.Nieto 2014

Focus- the point where light rays originating from a point on the object converge

This picture expresses sharp focus because you can see everything clear and tell what is what. I achieved this picture by putting my bunny in the grass and holding my phone sideways to take it.
High Key
Enzo V.Nieto 2014
Focus- the point where light rays originating from a point on the object converge
This picture expresses sharp focus because you can see everything clear and tell what is what. I achieved this picture by putting my bunny in the grass and holding my phone sideways to take it.
Pappy V.Nieto 2014
Framing- shooting through something to get the main subject behind it. The subject is “framed” by something in the foreground
This picture shows framing because the window is wrapping around my dog. This was achieved by standing my dog on the seat of one of my father’s car.
Puerto Rico V.Nieto 2014
Framing- shooting through something to get the main subject behind it. The subject is “framed” by something in the foreground
This picture shows framing because the window is wrapping around my dog. This was achieved by standing my dog on the seat of one of my father’s car.

Monday, September 8, 2014

My Life


My name: Veronika Marie Nieto

Childhood ambition: To be a Veterinarian

Fondest Memory: Living in New York

Proudest moment: Overcoming my past difficulties

Biggest challenge: Eating

Alarm clock: I hate them  

Perfect Day: November 28, 2012

Indulgence: Mac and Cheese

Favorite movie: Enough

Soundtrack: I like a little bit of everything

Inspirations: My mother and brother

My life is: Crazy